MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING + being a bridesmaid

MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING + being a bridesmaid

Katie & Jeremy

Today, I will share the wedding of my best friend Katie, we were celebrating in Greenville, South Carolina.

Megan and I went to the bridal party together, and we stayed in this hotel room with other bridesmaids. Then, we had a party with the best man and bride to eat and drink. So I was really excited.

The next day, we had a dress rehearsal at 9 o’clock in the morning, and then we held a bridal lunch, I took a rest for a while after the rehearsal meal, then I explored Greenville. The weekend was actually not so cold, which is great, but I thought it will rain all day for the wedding tomorrow, which is a bit unfortunate, but her wedding is indoors, everything is good, we just made it in the morning. wake up and get ready, go to the rehearsal place at 7 in the morning. I told Katie that this is your last day as an unmarried woman.

I asked Katie: "How did you feel the day before the wedding?" She said: "I can't wait, I'm very excited. If you are with the right person, you don't have to be afraid of getting married. It's worth it."


Katie showed us Greenville, and then we went to her favorite bookstore. Although very cute, but very old Courthouse. I found a book about someone leaving Westborough Baptist Church because I thought it was really interesting. We have a very good time bookstore, and then go to the bridal lunch next door. This town is so cute.



Oh my god, Katie got us the beautiful bridesmaid dresses, the shawl, the cup, the shoes, the pink pajamas, the bracelet and a lot of small things, everything is customized. these are my favorite.

About 2 hours later, I was so tired and got the girls some coffee, and it's almost time for dinner but I’m going to fall asleep. It’s going to be long tomorrow, so I have to go to the second round.





The wedding day was come, Katie was so happy, we had to get coffee beforehand and our dresses are hanging up. Katie's dress is eye out it's literally so beautiful, we can't wait to see her in this. And this is the room where we're all getting ready, getting hair and makeup done.



The wedding has begun, we were ready.

Katie’s bridesmaids and parents all gave her best wishes.

Julia said: “I'm just so excited for you, Katie,  I love you guy, you're one of my best friends and I just know that you and Jeremy are perfect together.”

Emily and Hanna said: “Katie we love you so much and we're so excited for you.  we can't wait to celebrate you and Jeremy today we love you so so much,”

Megan said:” Katie, I love you and I'm just so excited that we're celebrating you today and I love you so much I guess. I know that you and Jeremy are so perfect for each other and I just can't wait to support you along your journey through your life.”

Her parents said: Katie we love you we are so happy, this is the best day ever of your life. I hope you remember all the fun things and we look forward to see your wonderful future, we're so excited.”






The ceremony is over, they're doing some pictures and then we ate some really good food. It was so beautiful, I started tearing up because they said their own vows and they were just so sweet and emotional. Jeremy started crying, so then I started tearing up and it was just the sweetest thing and I am so happy that celebrated with Katie and Jeremy. That's day is a very long day but it's really great because I blessed the wonderful marriage of Katie and Jeremy.