Emotional Wedding Day Love Letters & Dancing in the Rain

Emotional Wedding Day Love Letters & Dancing in the Rain

Reading Emotional Wedding Day Love Letters & Dancing in the Rain 4 minutes Next Romantic & Emotional Lowndes Grove Wedding in Charleston

Jesus himself says that for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. That's why we're here today isn't it? To celebrate and to watch as Kyle and Sydney express their love and give their vows to one another. You know love is a wonderful thing. Love originates with God, for god his love and God extends his love to us. Watch over and bless them in all they do Christ's name we pray amen Kyle, you may now kiss your bride. For the very first time I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Casey.

Here is the moment of Wedding Day with Love Letters.

Before we met I prayed and prayed for the longest time that God give me patience and that I rely on his plan for me. I was so ready to find someone to spend my life with. God answered my prayers. Our patience with each other and by faith in God we have made it to this day, the day I get to marry you, the woman in my prayers. Sydney, words cannot express how much I love you there isn't a moment that goes by that I don't think of you. As I pledge my vows to you today, know that I choose you every day. I will be your devoted husband for the many years to come. I will be the supporting husband and father of our family. I promise to always be honest with you, trust you, care for and love you. There will be tough times and it will not always be easy, but I'll be patient and understanding. I will not be selfish. I'll be slow to anger, quick to forgive. I promise to be the christian man God expects a husband to be. You are a blessing. Lord willing, I will look back on this day 50 years from now and smile from ear to ear and then I'll take your hand, kiss your cheek and tell you I love you Sydney Casey.

There is a short story said by the Bride. We started writing letters when I moved to Huntsville last February. And the first one I got was on Valentines Day. He didn't have a vase so he put some roses in a blender with water. They were sitting in the blender with water, I was like hey I'll take it.

Kyle, our day is finally here. We're getting married today and I couldn't be more excited. I'm so ready for the moment I get to call you my husband. There are so many things that I love about you and I don't want you to ever doubt that. I thank you for always pushing me to be a better version of myself. I really feel like you know me better than I know myself some days. Even though there will be difficult times I have no doubt that we will make it through. You are a true Christian man and I know that you will continue to lead me closer to God as my husband. I am blessed to have you in my life and I'm so glad that we found each other.

We thank you for Sydney in Kyle Lord, just the love that they have for each other. God I just pray that you'll sustain that Lord, that they will just give their lives to you and that they'll remember that it's not ultimately about their happiness God but it's about becoming more like you, and it's ultimately about serving you and glorifying you and honoring you Lord, through what they do and what their marriage looks like.