All You Should Know About Bridesmaid Bouquets

All You Should Know About Bridesmaid Bouquets

All You Should Know About Bridesmaid Bouquets

Bouquets at weddings are one of the most important elements, the bride's bouquet is one of the main attractions of the ceremony. Now, what about the bridesmaids' bouquets? Who says that bridesmaids at a wedding can't also carry their own bouquet and share this wonderful accessory with the bride?

Traditions keep changing and the bridesmaid's bouquet is an example of this. Before nobody conceived the idea that another woman besides the bride could carry a bouquet, but now that has changed and this complement has ceased to be of exclusive use to the brides of the world, now the bridesmaids also have something to say and their bouquets also play an important role in weddings.

Do you want to know everything about bridesmaids' bouquets?

We'll tell you all about it below!

Why do bridesmaids carry bouquets?

Why do bridesmaids carry bouquets?

Although in the past bridesmaids were not allowed to carry a bouquet of flowers, as it was a totally exclusive element of the bride and it was believed that if other women carried it they would steal her limelight, nowadays there are more and more weddings in which bridesmaids carry a beautiful bouquet to match their dress and the bride's floral arrangement.

Therefore, if you are an inexperienced bride who does not know whether to add this complement to the look of your bridesmaids because you were not very clear if doing so would be like leaving the "traditional wedding protocol", you can rest assured. Nowadays, bridesmaids' bouquets not only play a crucial role in the composition of the look they are going to wear, but they also make all the wedding photos with the bride and groom look more complete and homogeneous by wearing bouquets similar to the bride's. It is not the same to take photos with the bridesmaid's bouquet as with the bride.

It is not the same to take pictures with bridesmaids who do not know where to put their hands as to have an album full of photos in which all your friends have the same bouquet clutched in their hands and they look perfect next to the bride's big bouquet. Aesthetically, it's a huge improvement.

What are bridesmaids' bouquets called?

What are bridesmaids' bouquets called?

In recent years it has become more and more common to see bridesmaids wearing a floral bracelet as a corsage to match the bridal bouquet. This kind of floral bracelet is also known as "Corsage" and is usually composed of a small bouquet of flowers to match the flowers that make up the bride's bouquet and a band.

Although the tradition was that these floral bracelets were always composed of white orchids and a thin band of the bride's choice, nowadays the range of options is as wide as flowers grow in a garden. On the other hand, there is also the option of choosing to wear a single larger flower in the center of the bracelet instead of a bouquet, with that flower being the predominant one in the bride's bouquet. The color of the flower on the bracelet can be the same for all the bridesmaids or different, creating a very nice chromatic effect that will make the photos full of color and dynamism.

Finally, it is important to note that the only fixed rule for this beautiful accessory is that it must always be worn on the left wrist. The Corsage is a beautiful and subtle way to replace the traditional bridesmaid bouquets and give the ceremony a touch of modernism and color that will make the wedding even more unforgettable.

Who Pays for the bridesmaid bouquets?

Who Pays for the bridesmaid bouquets?

Tradition dictates that the bride's family is in charge of paying for everything related to the dress and accessories of the bridesmaids. However, traditions change and nowadays there are many brides who, due to the high budget of their wedding, cannot assume this expense and leave it in the hands of their friends.

However, it is also true that brides who cannot pay for everything before selecting a bridesmaid to ask her if she can afford the dress and accessories. And we all know that everything related to a wedding has a high cost, being the dress and accessories of the bridesmaids one of the highest budgets in terms of wardrobe.

Therefore, the answer to this question is that although tradition says that the bride's family should always pay, nowadays it is also very feasible to assign this expense to each of the bridesmaids.

How much is a bouquet for bridesmaids?

How much is a bouquet for bridesmaids?

The price range for a bridesmaid bouquet is very wide, with the usual price (for the simplest bouquets) ranging from $65 to $145. And what does the price depend on? Well, as in any other thing we buy, the price will depend on the number of flowers we want to put in the bouquet if the flowers we use will be natural or not, and the quality of the accessories that surround them.

It is not the same to make a bouquet of natural white roses with a strip of top-quality red silk as a simple but attractive floral bracelet with a single orchid in the center. The details make the difference and are what will ultimately determine the price.

Do bridesmaids have the same bouquet as the bride?

Do bridesmaids have the same bouquet as the bride?

The bridesmaids' bouquet will never be the same as the bride's, but it will be inspired by it. For example, if the bride decides to carry a large bouquet of red, pink, and white carnations with a strip of gold satin, the bridesmaids should carry a small bouquet of white carnations with a thin gold stripe. The idea is to create an even composition between the bride and her bridesmaids, but this composition should never leave the bride in the background.

How big should bridesmaids' bouquets be?

How big should bridesmaids' bouquets be?

Bridesmaids' bouquets are usually one-half to two-thirds smaller than the bride's bouquets. To give you a better idea, while brides' bouquets are usually about 11-12" in diameter, bridesmaids' bouquets are a mere 6-8" in diameter.

Now, as with all things related to weddings and wedding protocols, if you as a bride want your bridesmaids to carry a larger bouquet than what is considered correct, you can do so. No one can tell you what your bridesmaids can or cannot wear, if you want to break with convention and fill the ceremony with large floral bouquets, go ahead. It's your wedding, it's your rule.

How many flowers go in a bridesmaid bouquet?

How many flowers go in a bridesmaid bouquet?

For this question, the answer is very wide and varied and will always depend on what the bride has decided before. The bridesmaid's bouquet can be a mixture of several types of flowers or only be composed of a single flower, and the same goes for the number.

If the bouquet we have chosen is quite small and we are only going to use one flower, for example, Peonies, experts advise that the bouquet should only contain 3 to 4 flowers. On the other hand, if the bridesmaid's bouquet is composed of a mixture of several flowers and has a small diameter, it is allowed to use up to 10 units.

The combinations are endless and you can always create your own bridesmaid bouquet design and make a difference. We have explained what is usually done, but you can go your own way and choose the one that best suits what you are looking for for your wedding.

How long before the wedding can you make a bouquet?

How long before the wedding can you make a bouquet?

Generally, wedding bouquets that are made with fresh flowers are always made 24 hours before the ceremony to make sure the flowers look the most beautiful. However, nowadays there is a wide variety of flowers that are capable of holding up to 48 hours in perfect condition after being cut, so depending on the type of bouquet you choose and the place where you make it, the preparation process may vary.

What do bridesmaids do with their bouquets?

What do bridesmaids do with their bouquets?

The most common use for bridesmaids' bouquets is purely decorative. After the ceremony, all the bouquets are usually placed in large glass vases that decorate the bride and groom's head table. It is a way to economize on floral expenses and to give utility to a complement that in a few hours we will have to discard when the flowers have already withered.

Do bridesmaids really need a bouquet?

Do bridesmaids really need a bouquet?

The answer to this question has already been answered throughout this article because although the tradition of weddings never spoke of bridesmaids having to carry a bouquet, the evolution of this wonderful ceremony and the fashion trends surrounding it has made it indispensable. And is that although it might not be necessary because the truth is that it is very feasible that a bridesmaid does not carry a bouquet, when we add this precious accessory to the bridesmaid look we make it much more complete and we get that the union between their complement and the bride is much more uniform. Therefore, the answer to this question is that although it might not be, the bridesmaid's bouquet is a great success that makes the wedding ceremony look much more beautiful and full of color thanks to the wide variety of flowers.

We hope that through these ten questions you have a much clearer idea about what bridesmaids bouquets really mean at a wedding and that you can now decide what you want to choose for your own wedding.